Monday, July 25, 2011

Heartbreak and friendship

It is almost impossible to describe the amount of things I have learned in the past few months. Not only have I learned so much about myself, I have also learned and realized a lot about life. It's not much of a secret that a couple months ago, I was in a pretty rough spot. Never before had I been heartbroken the way I was, and I must say it definitely changed me. Of course at the time, I could only see the negatives of the situation. But coming out of it, I am so glad that I experienced the things that I did and came out of it the person that I am.

Through the hard times, I realized that it is necessary to be absolutely shattered by love at some point in our lives. For me, it really put things into perspective. It made me realize what I want, and the things in a relationship that will be most important to me in the future. Although the situation did leave me with quite a few reservations about getting into future relationships, I am glad that it has taught me to be cautious, to protect and think about myself instead of always putting others first. There are times in life when we need to be selfish. If not, we lose track of what is important to us and miss out on what we truly want out of life.

Another thing that I've learned in the past few months has become very important to me. One day, while talking to someone very dear to me, I realized that there are some people who will just always be a part of your life. Even when the different events in life make it seem that a relationship with them could never be attained, there they are. There is a sense of security that it gives me knowing that at the end of the day, I always have this person, this family to go to. No matter what happens and no matter where life leads me, they will always be there. And on the other side of that, there are people who will not always be there. I really believe that there are certain people that are brought into our lives only to teach us small lessons, and then they're gone. And I've finally realized that there's nothing wrong with that. I will never again take a single person for granted because I realize that everyone has a different story and there is something beautiful that can be learned from each and every person that makes even the smallest footprints in our lives.

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